Managing Two Homes and the School Year Part 1FL Villager column "Managing Two Homes and the School Year (Part 1)"   (ManagingTwoHomesandtheSchoolYearPt1Pg48PDF) 09/2024



How Can a Co-Parenting Coach Help Me?FL Villager column "How Can a Co-Parenting Coach Help Me?"   (CanCoParentingCoachHelpMePg44PDF) 07/2024



FL Villager column "Steps to a New You and New Life"   (StepstoaNewYouandNewLifePDF) 06/2024



FL Villager column "Divorce And the Special Needs Child"   (DivorceAndTheSpeicalNeedsChildPDF) 05/2024


And The World Kept TurningFL Villager column "And the World Kept Turning"   (AndTheWorldKeptTurningPDF) 04/2024


Knowledge Versus WisdomFL Villager column "Knowledge versus Wisdom(KnowlegeVersusWisdomPDF) 03/2024


Voices of DivorceFL Villager column "The Voices of Divorce"  (TheVoicesOfDivorcePDF) 02/2024


What Lessons Have You Learned in 2023?FL Villager column "What Lessons Have You Learned in 2023?"  (WhatLessonsHaveYouLearnedPDF) 01/2024



A New Years ResolutionFL Villager column "A New Years Resolution(ANewYearsResolutionPDF)  12/2023


5 Divorce MistakesFL Villager column "5 Divorce Mistakes(5DivorceMistakesPDF)  11/2023


The Power of Acceptance in DivorceFL Villager column "The Power of Acceptance in Divorce(ThePowerOfAcceptanceInDivorcePDF)  10/2023



Hope is Never Lost Just TransformingFL Villager column "Hope is Never Lost, Just Transforming(HopeIsNeverLostJustTransformingPDF)  8/2023



Let's Get HappyFL Villager column "Let's Get Happy(LetsGetHappyPDF)  4/2023




Wisdom That Divorce Gives YouFL Villager column "The Wisdom That Divorce Gives You(TheWisdomThatDivorceGivesYouPDF)  3/2023



Aftermath of Divorce ChecklistFL Villager column "The Aftermath of Divorce Checklist(TheAftermathOfDivorceChecklistPDF)  5/2022



There Has to Be Something Better Than ThisFL Villager column "There Has to Be Something Better?(ThereHastoBeSomethingBetterPDF) 6/2022



Divorced Parent Holiday Challenges FL Villager column "The Divorced Parent Holiday Challenges(TheDivorecedParentHolidayChallengesPDF) 11/2022



FL Villager column "Dealing with the Fear of Divorce" 08/2021

FL Villager column "Can't We Just Be Friends?" 07/2021

FL Villager column "Summer Reading List for the Exhausted Divorce Brain" 06/2021

FL Villager column "Happiness Is More Than Just a State of Mind" 05/2021

FL Villager column "Is It More Than Divorce Stress?" 04/2021

FL Villager column "8 Things About Divorce You Need to Know" 03/2021

FL Villager column "Look for the Lessons in Divorce" 02/2021

FL Villager column "Unfulfilled Dreams Are Stepping Stones to New Ones" 01/2021

FL Villager column "Don't Rush into Divorce, Get Back to the Basics" 12/2020

FL Villager column "It's That Time of Year" 11/2020

FL Villager column "Heartbreak Hotel Part 2" 10/2020

FL Villager column "Heartbreak Hotel" 09/2020

FL Villager column "Hiring a Divorce Coach Will Be One of the Best Decisions You Can Make" 08/2020

FL Villager column "Dating Post COVID" 07/2020

FL Villager column "Divorce in Times of Adversity" 06/2020

FL Villager column "Who's Driving Your Bus" 05/2020

FL Villager column "Divorce and Crisis - Turn a Difficult Time into Something Positive" 04/2020

FL Villager column "The In-Between Time" 03/2020

FL Villager column "Make Your Life Beautiful" 02/2020

FL Villager column "Start the New Year with a Bonfire" 01/2020

FL Villager column "Holidays After Divorce" 12/2019

Fl Villager column "The Dog Ate My Homework and Other Excuses" 11/2019

Fl Villager column "Out with the Old and In with the New" 10/2019

Fl Villager column "Being Grateful Through & After Divorce" 09/2019

Fl Villager column "Divorcing with a Special Needs Child" 08/2019

Fl Villager column "Are You Chasing Your Past?" 07/2019

Fl Villager column "It's Summer, Now What" 06/2019

Fl Villager column "Cease Dating and Break Free" 05/2019

Fl Villager column "12 Tips to Get Through Divorce" 04/2019

Fl Villager column "I've Got Issues, You've Got 'Em Too" 03/2019

Fl Villager column "What is Really Important" 02/2019

Fl Villager column "Signs You're Involved with an Emotionally Unavailable Man" 01/2019

Fl Villager column "Steps to Creating a New Life" 12/2018

Fl Villager column "Are We Meant for Eachother" 11/20018

Fl Villager column "It's the Holidays, Now What?" 10/2018

Fl Villager column "Lessons I've Learned as a Divorce Coach" 09/2018

Fl Villager column "How to Get Unstuck After Divorce" 08/2018

Fl Villager column "Who Are You? I am a Divorce Coach" 07/2018

Fl Villager column "Can I Find My Soulmate After Divorce?" 06/2018

Fl Villager column "Why Attorneys Need Divorce Coaches" 05/2018

Fl Villager column "Reduce Your Stress During Divorce" 04/2018

Fl Villager column "My Ex is a Jerk" 03/2018

Fl Villager column "Stop Playing the Blame Game" 02/2018

Fl Villager column "Do I Need a Divorce Coach" 01/2018

HuffPost "Will This Year Be Different" 01/2018

Fl Villager column "Believe in 2018" 12/2017

Fl Villager column "Divorce and the Holidays" 11/2017

Fl Villager column "There's Always Tomorrow" 10/2017

Fl Villager column "Navigating the School Year Stress Free part 2" 09/2017

Fl Villager column "Navigating the School Year Stress Free" 08/2017

Fl Villager column "Who Takes Custody of Your Friends" 07/2017

Fl Villager column "Dealing with Divorce in the Workplace" 06/2017

Fl Villager column "All the Right Questions" 05/2017

Fl Villager column "I've Called the Lawyer, Now What?" 04/2017

Fl Villager column "Sex, Intimacy or Fifty Shades of Grey...Do You Know the Difference" 03/2017

Fl Villager column "Being Mindful Through a Divorce" 02/2017

Fl Villager column "Change and Be Changed" 01/2017

Fl Villager column "Looking Back in Order to Look Ahead" 12/2016

Fl Villager column "Divorce and the Holidays" 11/2016

Fl Villager column "Toxic Relationships: What They Are and How Not to Feel Crazy" 10/2016

Fl Villager column "Navigating the School Year with Your Ex Spouse" 09/2016

Fl Villager column "Forgiveness is a Must" 08/2016

Fl Villager column "An Inspirational Divorce" 07/2016

Fl Villager column "There's Always A Next Never An Only" 06/2016

Fl Villager column "Mirror, Mirror What Reflection Do You Want to See" 05/2016

Fl Villager column "Don't Act Like A Girlfriend If You're Not" 04/2016

Fl Villager column "Reclaiming Your Home After Divorce" 03/2016

Fl Villager column "Dating In The Real World" 02/2016

Fl Villager column "Be 'All In' In 2016" 01/2016

Fl Villager column "A Divorce Game Changer" 12/2015

Fl Villager column "Words of Wisdom On Divorce" 11/2015

Fl Villager column "Are You A Rearview Mirror Person" 10/2015

Fl Villager column "Rebuilding Self-Esteem" 09/2015

Fl Villager column "Your Best Years Can Be Your Post Divorce Years" 08/2015

Fl Villager column "Tips for Divorced Dads" 06/2015

Fl Villager column "10 Questions to Ask Yourself" 04/2015

Fl Villager column "I Need to Understand" 03/2015

Fl Villager column "Don't Miss a Thing" 02/2015

Fl Villager column "Post Divorce Equals" 02/2015

Fl Villager column "The Aftermath of Divorce" 12/31/2014

Fl Villager column "Lessons Learned Through Divorce" 12/2014

Fl Villager column "Helping Exes Deal with Exes" 12/15/2014

Fl Villager column "What Will Get You Through a Divorce" 11/30/2014

Fl Villager column "The Trick Change Perspective" 11/30/2014

Fl Villager column "I Want My White Knight" 11/10/2014

Fl Villager column "Divorced Dads Bill of Rights" 11/01/2014

Fl Villager column "Let the Healing Begin" 09/15/2014

Fl Villager column "Dating isn't a Battlefield" 06/15/2014

Fl Villager column "Shifting With the Tides of Life" 03/15/2014