FL Villager column "Managing Two Homes and the School Year (Part 1)" (ManagingTwoHomesandtheSchoolYearPt1Pg48PDF) 09/2024
FL Villager column "How Can a Co-Parenting Coach Help Me?" (CanCoParentingCoachHelpMePg44PDF) 07/2024
FL Villager column "Steps to a New You and New Life" (StepstoaNewYouandNewLifePDF) 06/2024
FL Villager column "Divorce And the Special Needs Child" (DivorceAndTheSpeicalNeedsChildPDF) 05/2024
FL Villager column "And the World Kept Turning" (AndTheWorldKeptTurningPDF) 04/2024
FL Villager column "Knowledge versus Wisdom" (KnowlegeVersusWisdomPDF) 03/2024
FL Villager column "The Voices of Divorce" (TheVoicesOfDivorcePDF) 02/2024
FL Villager column "What Lessons Have You Learned in 2023?" (WhatLessonsHaveYouLearnedPDF) 01/2024
FL Villager column "A New Years Resolution" (ANewYearsResolutionPDF) 12/2023
FL Villager column "5 Divorce Mistakes" (5DivorceMistakesPDF) 11/2023
FL Villager column "The Power of Acceptance in Divorce" (ThePowerOfAcceptanceInDivorcePDF) 10/2023
FL Villager column "Hope is Never Lost, Just Transforming" (HopeIsNeverLostJustTransformingPDF) 8/2023
FL Villager column "Let's Get Happy" (LetsGetHappyPDF) 4/2023
FL Villager column "The Wisdom That Divorce Gives You" (TheWisdomThatDivorceGivesYouPDF) 3/2023
FL Villager column "The Aftermath of Divorce Checklist" (TheAftermathOfDivorceChecklistPDF) 5/2022
FL Villager column "There Has to Be Something Better?" (ThereHastoBeSomethingBetterPDF) 6/2022
FL Villager column "The Divorced Parent Holiday Challenges" (TheDivorecedParentHolidayChallengesPDF) 11/2022